Be Thankful

I haven't talked much about who I am or what I do. If it's not obvious, my name is Victoria. I am from Kentucky and I am a Massage Therapist. 

There are many things about my life that are stressful and can keep me down. Keep me feeling hopeless.  The first reason is Kentucky in itself. There's not really any opportunies for growth and advancement here. Especially for my type of work. It's dark here. Not literally, but if you go to the beach for a week or even for a few days...your eyes have to adjust to the "darker" days when you get back. 

I've had my heart set on moving to SoCal since I was about 18. Could have went back then, but I was scared. Everyone has that chance to do what they want, but some chicken out because they're scared. That was me. You come up with every excuse not to do it, until you do exactly that. Don't do it.
I'm working hard on getting out there now. I've had flash thoughts of backing out, but I try my best to block those out and think of the positive possibilities. I'll admit, it's far FAR away from home, but if moving away is what it takes to be happy, so be it. 

Now to the point of this blog. There are many times that life is going to throw you down. Drag you through the mud if it will. But you can't let that upset you. You can't drown in your unhappiness and think that it's okay. 

As the saying goes...when life throws you lemons, make lemonade! Be thankful for the things you have. Be thankful for things that didn't work out. It's all a lesson. Once you change your mindset and how you perceive things, the better things will be. Good things will come to you and great things will happen. 
What I want you to do is take a few minutes out of your day, everyday, to be thankful. Set your alarm at a certain time, drop what you are doing when that alarm goes off, and just be thankful. Take that time to breathe, smile, and thank. That's all you have to do!

Happy Blogging! :

Dreams Do Come True With A Little Help From You!



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